Reiki Origins
Reiki is a healing technique created by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922. His teachings provided a method for students to achieve connection with the Universal Life Force through breath, intention, and focus. The work becomes like an intuited conversation, a meditation, always being guided by the energy of the body. Energy work, not unlike a ripple in the water, has a way of seeping into the more subtle layers of being. Everything is connected. The intention of body work is always to help restore the natural state of physical and emotional well-being.
Available Sessions
Tarot Reading & Aura Cleanse $88
A virtual reading where we will explore past, present and future energy, seek understanding and answers from the guides, and equip you with the needed tools for your current journey. Session includes chakra check-up and mini energetic tuning.
Reiki Session $133/$177
A mini energetic reset, an opportunity to hold space for increased light and flow in the body. Clear blockages, heal leaks, and ground the connection between body, mind and spirit. Sessions are 60 minutes, or 90 with Solfeggio forks tuning. Sessions are located at Jewel's home in Carmichael, CA.
Private Reiki, Yoga & Sound
An opportunity to hold space with a group at a work event or birthday party. A fully customizable itinerary of guided meditation, yoga, reiki, sound healing; we will curate an unforgettable experience with the intention of creating powerful connections. Prices change based on itinerary.
"Just for today, I will not anger. I will not worry. I will be grateful. I will work diligently. I will be kind."
A Note on Bodywork...
"What is coming up now are the things that originally blocked you from perceiving reality. These are the parts of your emotional body in which the highway system was severed and the information could not flow, so you move into pain and translated the emotional pain out of your physical body. We recommend to all of you that you receive bodywork. Bodywork simply involves bringing energy from outside the cosmos into your body, infusing it with your other bodies-- mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual-- and making the energy grid fit. Where the energy grid fits and you don't block cellular memory and you allow energy to step into your body, the energy moves through your chakras and feeds your body its data."...